ISSN : 1000-9035
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Peer Review Policy



The manuscripts being received for publication shall be subjected to a double-blind review process, meaning that both the author and the reviewer remain anonymous to each other. This ensures an unbiased and fair evaluation of the research work. The review process includes detecting misconduct, fake academic contributions, false outcomes, data fabrication, and plagiarism to maintain the authenticity and credibility of published research. Our primary aim is to ensure that only high-quality and original research makes its way into the scientific world.

Journal of Molecular Science follows a structured and transparent review system. We have a well-defined set of rules and procedures that our reviewers and editorial board members must adhere to while evaluating submitted manuscripts. This ensures consistency in the review process and upholds ethical publishing standards. Every submission is thoroughly checked, and if a paper is found to be misleading, copied, or unsuitable for publication, it will be rejected immediately. The editorial board has the final say in such decisions after considering all aspects of the research and the feedback provided by the reviewers.

However, we understand that some manuscripts may have minor errors that do not significantly impact the quality of research. In such cases, rather than rejecting the paper outright, we provide authors with an opportunity to revise their work based on specific feedback from the reviewers. The revised manuscript must be re-submitted within the given timeframe. Once resubmitted, the paper will undergo another round of evaluation to verify that all suggested changes have been properly implemented. If the reviewers and editors find that the issues have been satisfactorily addressed, the article will be accepted for publication.

Our review process is designed to maintain high academic standards while also being fair to authors. We encourage constructive criticism from our reviewers, and authors are given multiple chances to refine their work if necessary. The resubmission and re-reviewing process can be repeated as many times as needed, depending on the nature and severity of the identified errors. This approach allows us to filter out weak research while also helping authors improve their work and contribute valuable findings to the scientific community.

Furthermore, our reviewers are selected based on their expertise and experience in the respective field of research. They are expected to follow ethical guidelines and ensure that their judgments are purely based on the scientific quality of the paper. We strongly discourage biased, unfair, or unprofessional reviews. Any reviewer found violating these ethical standards may be removed from the review panel.

To ensure transparency, authors can also appeal editorial decisions if they believe their manuscript was unfairly rejected. Such appeals will be reviewed by senior editorial members, and if deemed valid, the paper will be re-evaluated.

By following this rigorous peer review process, we ensure that our journal maintains its reputation for publishing credible, impactful, and high-quality research in the field of molecular sciences.

Journal Policies

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Plagiarism Policy
Peer Review Policy
Aim and Scope
Open Access Policy
Privacy Policy
Human and Animal Rights Policy
Reviewers Guidelines
Competing Interests
Correction and Retraction Policy
Article Withdrawal Policy

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